Zoeken in Overige Kamerstukken

Zoekresultaten (2)

U zoekt op ‘debat’ U zoekt in Kamerstukken, Overige Kamerstukken, EU-voorstel, Vaste commissie voor Digitale Zaken

Overige Kamerstukken

EU-voorstel: Mededeling - Boosting startups and innovation in trustworthy AI COM (2024) 28 (Engelstalige versie)

including players in industry, academia and civil society. This collaborative effort will coordinate actions and combine resources, encouraging investment in the development, refinement, and integration of advanced models into key applications. Today, the rapid developments in...


Overige Kamerstukken

EU-voorstel: Een Europese aanpak van kunstmatige intelligentie COM (2021) 06 (Engelstalige versie).

Assessment List for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (ALTAI) for self-assessment, 2020. EN 9 EN In addition, the AI Alliance26 was formed as a platform for approximately 4000 stakeholders to debate the technological and societal implications of AI...
