Overige Kamerstukken

Overige Kamerstukken

To the Chair of the competent Committee(s) on the CFSP/CSDP: Save the date: Interparliamentary Conference CFSP/CSDP, 6-8 April 2016 (EN)

To the Chair of the competent Committee(s) on the CFSP/CSDP: Save the date: Interparliamentary Conference CFSP/CSDP, 6-8 April 2016 (EN). 2016 Parliamentary dimension Interparliamentary conferences Dutch EU Presidency 2016 To the Chair of the competent Committee(s)...


Overige Kamerstukken

À la présidence de la (des) Commission(s) en charge de la PESC/PSDC: Notez la date : Conférence interparlementaire PESC/PSDC, 6-8 avril 2016 (FA)

À la présidence de la (des) Commission(s) en charge de la PESC/PSDC: Notez la date : Conférence interparlementaire PESC/PSDC, 6-8 avril 2016 (FA). 2016 Parliamentciry dimension 4, la présidencede la (des) Commission(s) en charge de la...


Overige Kamerstukken

Minister Koenders: Uitnodiging Interparlementaire bijeenkomst GBVB/GVDB, 6-8 april 2016

Minister Koenders: Uitnodiging Interparlementaire bijeenkomst GBVB/GVDB, 6-8 april 2016. 2016 Parliamentary dimension Aan de minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Den Haag, 17 november 2015 Uitnodiging Interparlementaire bijeenkomst GBVB/GVDB, 6-8 april 2016 20 15Z2 1642/20 15D44022 Geachte heer...


Overige Kamerstukken

Minister van Defensie: Uitnodiging Interparlementaire bijeenkomst GBVB/GVDB, 6-8 april 2016

Minister van Defensie: Uitnodiging Interparlementaire bijeenkomst GBVB/GVDB, 6-8 april 2016. 2016 Parliamentary dimension :- ,-‘ Aan de minister van Defensie Den Haag, 17 november 2015 Uitnodiging Interparlementaire bijeenkomst GBVB/GVDB, 6-8 april 2016 2015Z21640/2015D44019 Geachte mevrouw Hen...


Overige Kamerstukken

To H.E. Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO: to invitation as a keynote speaker at the biannual Interparliamentary Conference (IPC) on the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Common Security and Defence Policy in The Hague from 6 till 8 April 2016

To H.E. Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO: to invitation as a keynote speaker at the biannual Interparliamentary Conference (IPC) on the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Common Security and Defence Policy in The...


Overige Kamerstukken

To H.E. Ms Federica Mogherini: Invitation as keynote speaker for a planned session on the new EU Security Strategy in the morning of Friday 8 April 2016

To H.E. Ms Federica Mogherini: Invitation as keynote speaker for a planned session on the new EU Security Strategy in the morning of Friday 8 April 2016. Staten-Generaal H.E. Ms Federica Mogherini Vice-President of the European...
