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Overige Kamerstukken

EU-voorstel: Farmaceutische strategie voor Europa COM (2020) 761 (Engelstalige versie)

of health systems at risk, and reduces the possibilities for patients to have access to these medicines. There is a lack of transparency (in particular in R&D costs) and consensus on costing principles. Better understanding and...


Overige Kamerstukken

EU-voorstel: Een Europese aanpak van kunstmatige intelligentie COM (2021) 06 (Engelstalige versie).

Assessment List for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (ALTAI) for self-assessment, 2020. EN 9 EN In addition, the AI Alliance26 was formed as a platform for approximately 4000 stakeholders to debate the technological and societal implications of AI...


Overige Kamerstukken

EU-voorstel: Herziening richtlijn EU-emissiehandelssysteem (ETS) COM (2021) 551 (Engelstalige versie)

30% EU ambition level of current ESR legislation. This indicates that the current policy framework is more effective in reducing emissions in current ETS sectors and that it is warranted to focus the policy debate on...


Overige Kamerstukken

EU-voorstel: Conclusies van het Vijfde Cohesieverslag inzake toekomst structuurfondsen COM(2010)642

EU-voorstel: Conclusies van het Vijfde Cohesieverslag inzake toekomst structuurfondsen COM(2010)642. On this basis, a regular political debate in the relevant Council formations and European Parliament committees would improve transparency, accountability and assessment of the effects of...


Overige Kamerstukken

EU-voorstel: Werkprogramma Europese Commissie 2021 – COM (2020) 690

EU-voorstel: Werkprogramma Europese Commissie 2021 – COM (2020) 690. In bringing this work programme to life, the Commission will also focus on explaining what we are doing and taking on board the views of citizens. As...


Overige Kamerstukken

EU-voorstel: Herziening van de verordening en richtlijn markten in financiële instrumenten (MiFIR/MiFID) COM (2021) 726 (Engelstalige versie)

consultations On 28 June 2019, the Commission organised a workshop intended to engage stakeholders on an interactive discussion about the creation of an EU consolidated tape, bringing together around 80 market participants to debate the merits...


Overige Kamerstukken

EU-rapport Coöperatie- en Verificatiemechanisme (CVM), Roemenië (Engelstalige versie) - COM(2013)47

separation of powers. This includes continued respect for the Constitutional Court as the guarantor of the supremacy of the Constitution, as well as the independence and stability of judicial institutions including the prosecution. It is also...


Overige Kamerstukken

EU-voorstel: Richtlijn betreffende auteursrecht in de digitale eengemaakte markt COM (2016) 593

and financial burdens remain proportionate to guarantee the efficiency of the negotiation forum. (31) A free and pluralist press is essential to ensure quality journalism and citizens' access to information. It provides a fundamental contribution to...


Overige Kamerstukken

EU-voorstel: Mededeling inzake EU-uitbreidingsbeleid 2018 COM (2018) 450

the judicial follow-up to the irregularities reported has been very limited. Further work is required to consolidate trust in the electoral framework. Returning the political debate to the parliament is the responsibility of all parties. EU...


Overige Kamerstukken

EU-voorstel: EU-uitbreidingsstrategie 2016 COM (2016) 715

parliamentary functioning was prevented for parts of the reporting period, including through the use of violent means by opposition members. All political parties should show responsibility and re-engage in a constructive dialogue, with parliament as the...


Overige Kamerstukken

EU-voorstel: EU strategie ontwapening demobilisatie en reïntegratie (JOIN/2021/35) (Engelstalige versie)

to political reintegration, the EU assists individuals and communities in acquiring the skills they need to engage in political activities through a political party, a social movement, or as independent activists, allowing pluralistic debate as well...


Overige Kamerstukken

EU-voorstel: Mededeling modernisering auteursrecht COM (2015) 626 (Engelstalige versie)

fragmentation in the digital single market. In addition, platforms can also consider that they are not engaging in copyright-relevant acts at all, or that their activities are of a merely technical, automatic and passive nature, allowing...


Overige Kamerstukken

EU Voorstel: Innovatie Unie COM(2010)546 (Engelse versie)

Union proposals and initiatives, including the identification and success of the European Innovation Partnerships. The Commission would welcome the Parliament holding once a year a major policy debate on progress with representatives of national parliaments and...


Overige Kamerstukken

EU-voorstel: Richtlijn Country-by-Country Reporting COM(2016) 198/2

are generated. Public scrutiny can reinforce public trust and strengthen companies' corporate social responsibility by contributing to the welfare through paying taxes in the country where they are active. In addition, it can also promote a...


Overige Kamerstukken

EU-voorstel: Mededeling "Initiatief voor groene werkgelegenheid" COM (2014) 446

EU-voorstel: Mededeling "Initiatief voor groene werkgelegenheid" COM (2014) 446. 39 http://www.ilo.org/global/statistics-and-databases/standards-and-guidelines/guidelines-adopted-by- international-conferences-of-labour-statisticians/WCMS_230736/lang--en/index.htm 14 De lidstaten wordt verzocht de overgangsperioden voor de tenuitvoerlegging van de module
