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U zoekt op ‘debat’ U zoekt in Kamerstukken, Overige Kamerstukken, EU-voorstel, Vaste commissie voor Europese Zaken

Overige Kamerstukken

EU-voorstel: Mededeling inzake het uitbreidingsbeleid van de EU voor 2023 COM (2023) 690

een gebrek aan samenwerking tussen partijen en afnemende ruimte voor het maatschappelijk middenveld. Door het ontbreken van een effectieve dialoog tussen partijen ontstonden aanhoudende politieke impasses en stagneerden hervormingen. In enkele gevallen kenmerkten parlementaire debatten zich...


Overige Kamerstukken

EU-voorstel: Werkprogramma Europese Commissie 2024 COM (2023) 638 (Engelstalige versie)

systems in the Member States and will ensure better use of existing EU tools (legislation, policy measures and funding). As the digital information space is increasingly influencing the public debate and political decision-making, it is essential...


Overige Kamerstukken

EU-voorstel: EU-uitbreidingsstrategie 2015 [COM(2015) 611]

demonstrated by tangible results, will determine the pace of accession negotiations overall. All political parties should show responsibility and re-engage in a constructive dialogue, with parliament as the key forum for political debate. Montenegro also...


Overige Kamerstukken

EU-voorstel: Werkprogramma Europese Commissie 2018, COM (2017) 650

June 2019 on what we have achieved together. Secondly, the work programme also presents a number of initiatives that have a more forward-looking perspective, as the new Union of 27 shapes its own future for 2025...


Overige Kamerstukken

EU-voorstel: Werkprogramma Europese Commissie 2020, COM (2020) 37

to evolving threats and manipulations, as well as to support free and independent media. To help further strengthen our democracy, citizens, EU institutions, national, regional and local politicians will join forces in a debate in the...


Overige Kamerstukken

EU-voorstel: Mededeling inzake EU-uitbreidingsbeleid 2020 COM (2020) 660

to uphold human rights in Turkey were often arrested and detained. Freedom of expression, as well as media freedom and pluralism, are pillars of democracy as they are essential components of open and free debate...


Overige Kamerstukken

EU-voorstel: Werkprogramma Europese Commissie 2021 – COM (2020) 690

EU-voorstel: Werkprogramma Europese Commissie 2021 – COM (2020) 690. In bringing this work programme to life, the Commission will also focus on explaining what we are doing and taking on board the views of citizens. As...


Overige Kamerstukken

EU-rapport Coöperatie- en Verificatiemechanisme (CVM), Roemenië (Engelstalige versie) - COM(2013)47

separation of powers. This includes continued respect for the Constitutional Court as the guarantor of the supremacy of the Constitution, as well as the independence and stability of judicial institutions including the prosecution. It is also...


Overige Kamerstukken

EU-voorstel: Mededeling inzake EU-uitbreidingsbeleid 2018 COM (2018) 450

the judicial follow-up to the irregularities reported has been very limited. Further work is required to consolidate trust in the electoral framework. Returning the political debate to the parliament is the responsibility of all parties. EU...


Overige Kamerstukken

EU-voorstel: EU-uitbreidingsstrategie 2016 COM (2016) 715

parliamentary functioning was prevented for parts of the reporting period, including through the use of violent means by opposition members. All political parties should show responsibility and re-engage in a constructive dialogue, with parliament as the...
