Zoeken in Overige Kamerstukken

Zoekresultaten (30)

U zoekt op ‘debat’ U zoekt in Kamerstukken, Overige Kamerstukken, Bijlage, Vaste commissie voor Buitenlandse Zaken

Overige Kamerstukken

Arabische transitie

in Morocco. He got his first PhD in France (North African Politics) and another one from Dakar University in African political History. He published articles and studies on MENA and Africa. Maati has been the initiator...


Overige Kamerstukken

Bijzondere procedure

1000 media professionals and 24 legal experts will receive mid-career training. This program is open to radio, television, print and Internet journalists and media lawyers. If there is a need, additional training for female media professionals...


Overige Kamerstukken

Bijdrage Marike Radstaake (BMO)

Onderhouden van contacten Deskundigen op ambassades spelen een unieke rol bij het flexibel inhaken op mogelijkheden en het bij elkaar brengen van actoren. Daarvoor moet men er wel voldoende lang gestationeerd zijn. Hoe prominenter de positie...


Overige Kamerstukken

cv mr Perera Onderminister Sri Lanka

appointed as the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in Sri Lanka. He is an active participant in political discourses in the country. He is a regular panelist in political debates in local media where he has...


Overige Kamerstukken

CV Helen Clark, Administrator van UNDP

member of the New Zealand Parliament since 1981, and was Prime Minister of New Zealand from 1999 to 2008. Concurrently she held a number of other portfolios including Minister of Arts, Culture and Heritage. In government...


Overige Kamerstukken

Background information on Egypt

effectively keep the Islamists at bay before the ability to organize for upcoming parliamentary elections. Furthermore, they argued that the Constitution would form a legal foundation for the elections. This is the roadmap chosen by Field...


Overige Kamerstukken

Decisions of the Governing Council CHRP-E

of Belarus to cases of enforced disappearances of political opponents, and the lack of participation of opposition political parties in parliament. Most recently, e thCouncil held an urgent debate on the situation in Belarus following the...


Overige Kamerstukken

programma in Nederland voor de Maleisische delegatie

by bus Optional visit to Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies in Leiden Transfer by bus to hotel Time to refresh 19.30 - Dinner in restaurant The Raffles in The Hague Transfer to...


Overige Kamerstukken

Schr. inbr. Oxfam Novib t.b.v. rondetafelgesprek Indonesië

wij bijzonder groot belang aan een sterk en divers maatschappelijk middenveld in Indonesie. Wij zien daarin een noodzakelijk, ook complementair, tegenwicht voor nog in-adekwate overheden, en wij zien daarin de basis voor zelf-ontplooing van burgers en...


Overige Kamerstukken

Verzoek afschrift reactie minister op Amnesty rapport 'Guilty of defending rights, Azerbaijan’s human rights defenders and activists behind bars'

renowned Azerbaijani experts or local Facebook activists, could freely discuss, organize or criticize government policies. Despite the array of repressive measures deployed against them, civil society activists, online activists, journalists and human rights defenders have sought...


Overige Kamerstukken

Uitnodiging (virtuele) interparlementaire bijeenkomst van commissies Buitenlandse Zaken Europees Parlement

brutal crackdown by the authorities. I trust that you will agree that these are particularly relevant topics, focusing on our immediate neighbourhood that is facing multiple challenges. A more detailed programme will follow in due course...


Overige Kamerstukken

HRW-rapport over lacunes in de aansprakelijheid voor de inzet van killer robots

of human dignity. The obstacles to compliance, which are elaborated on below, not only endanger civilians, but also increase the need for an effective system of legal accountability to respond to any violations that might occur...


Overige Kamerstukken

achtergrond informatie Expert Meeting on the Abandonment of Female Genital Mutilation

communities that widely practice FGM and support measures for victims. Awareness-raising must take place at all levels, from traditional chiefs to religious leaders, to women and youth organisations, elected officials and the government. Meeting objectives ...


Overige Kamerstukken

Delegatie parlement El Salvador over ICC

Lack of identification of concrete benefits in joining the ICC Concern to create tension with the United States Concern to accept the FMLN agenda, looking too left-wing if ICC is supported Legal concerns: Debate on the...


Overige Kamerstukken

NAVO Ministeriële 3-4 april 2024

NAVO Ministeriële 3-4 april 2024. COMMISSIE VOOR BUITENLANDSE ZAKEN & COMMISSIE VOOR DEFENSIE 21 maart 2024 Debatwijzer NAVO Aan leden en plv. leden van de Commissie voor Buitenlandse Zaken en de Commissie voor Defensie Deze DebatWijzer...
