Bijzondere procedure : Aanbieding rapport 'Freedom of Thought' van Humanistisch Verbond

De vergadering is geweest

7 december 2017
16:00 - 17:00 uur
Locatie: Klompézaal
Commissie: Buitenlandse Zaken
16:00 – 16:02  Wellcome by Sjoerd Sjoerdsma, D66, host of this session
16.02 -  16.10 Boris van der Ham, chairman Humanistisch Verbond: short  presentation Freedom of Thought Report –highlights –  handing over of the report–

Short notes by 4 refugees on the situation for nonbelievers in their country
16:10 – 16:15  Keyvan, fled atheist from Iran on the situation in Iran for nonbelievers and women
16:15 – 16:20  Ali K: student journalism and atheist from Syria, about situation in Syria for atheist and HR activists
16:20– 16:25   Saikat, secular blogger from Bangladesh, who was on several death lists for his secular blogs: on the situation for nonbelievers and secular bloggers in Bangladesh 
16:25 – 16:30  Morid, threatened to be killed by people from the mosk for his atheism in Afghanistan,  on the situation for nonbelievers and freethinkers in Afghanistan
16:30 – 17:00  Reactions and questions by members of parliament, discussion, what do members of parliament intend to do about it? what could members of parliament do about it? 

N.B. The 5th of December the Freedom of Thought Report 2017 will be online at



  • S.W. Sjoerdsma (D66)
  • M.J.F. van Helvert (CDA)
  • R. de Roon (PVV)
  • J.H. ten Broeke (VVD)
  • E.M.J. Ploumen (PvdA)
  • S. Karabulut (SP)
  • J.S. Voordewind (ChristenUnie)
  • A. van Ojik (GroenLinks)


  1. 1

    Het lid Sjoerdsma ontvangt in he kader van de bijzondere procedure leden van het Humanistisch Verbond om het rapport 'Freedom of Thought' in ontvangst te nemen. U bent van harte welkom om aan dit gesprek deel te nemen.