Gesprek : Gesprek met Mario Monti over 'EU eigen middelen'-rapport (wordt geannuleerd)

De vergadering is geannuleerd

26 januari 2017
11:00 - 12:30 uur
Commissie: Europese Zaken
On behalf of Mario Monti, Chairman of the High Level Group on Own Resources,
Dear Colleagues, dear Simone,
It is with sincere regret that I have to inform you that the visit of Mr. Monti to the Tweede Kamer on Thursday needs to be cancelled.
As you might know, the presentation of the report and the recommendations in the three institutions which jointly created the Group, and to which the report should be handed over formally, is about to be completed. To accommodate sensitivities as regards issues of timing and order of presentation to the various 'stakeholders', however, Mr. Monti considers that it is more appropriate to first present and discuss the results of the adopted report with the EU institutions, including the ECOFIN where all Member States are represented. I am sure you understand how crucial an actor the Council is on this issue in particular.
He would be happy to participate to exchange of views with national chambers later in the year, at an appropriate time.
Mr. Monti is aware that this cancellation might cause some inconvenience and expresses his sincere apologies especially to the organisers.
Kind regards,
Head of the Task Force on OWN RESOURCES
European Commission
DG Budget



  • H. Nijboer (PvdA)
  • M.G.J. Harbers (VVD)
  • W. Koolmees (D66)
  • A. (Anne) Mulder (VVD)
  • M.E. Maij (PvdA)


  1. 1

    Gesprek met Mario Monti over 'EU eigen middelen'-rapport

    Onlangs publiceerde de ‘High Level Group on Own Resources’ (HLGOR) haar adviesrapport 'Future Financing of the EU. Final report and recommendations of the High Level Group on Own Resources December 2016’ over de ontwikkeling van de eigen middelen van de EU. Dit rapport is onderdeel van een bredere discussie over de toekomstige financiering van de EU en het Meerjarig Financieel Kader 2021-2027, waarvoor de voorstellen in de loop van 2017 zullen verschijnen. De voorzitter van de HLGOR, de voormalige Italiaanse premier en Eurocommissaris Mario Monti, zal dit rapport toelichten middels een gesprek met de leden van de commissies Europese Zaken en Financiën.

    De voertaal is Engels.
  2. 2

    Gesprek met Mario Monti over 'EU eigen middelen'-rapport