Gesprek : Ontvangst delegatie Canadese parlementsleden

De vergadering is geweest

15 april 2015
16:45 - 18:00 uur
Commissie: Europese Zaken
De volgende leden hebben zich voor dit gesprek aangemeld:
Ten Broeke, Teeven, Van Helvert, Jasper van Dijk, Maij, Vos, Taverne, Ouwehand (o.v.b.)
De Candese delegatie bestaat uit de volgende personen:
Mr. David Tilson, M.P., Chair of the Association (CPC)
(accompanied by his spouse Ms. Judith Birchall)
Hon. Percy Downe, Senator (LPC)
Hon. Michel Rivard, Senator (CPC)
Mr. Corneliu Chisu, M.P. (CPC)
Mr. Don Davies, M.P. (NDP)
Mrs. Marie-Claude Morin, M.P. (NDP)
Ms. Guyanne Desforges, Association Secretary
Mr. Maxime-Olivier Thibodeau, Association Analyst
Mr. Sabourin, Counsellor (Economic Affairs and Advocacy), at the Embassy
Mr. Louwman, Cultural and Political Advocacy Officer at the Embassy

De door de Canadese delegatie voorgestelde gespreksonderwerpen zijn:
1. Role of the Dutch parliament in the development of the priorities for the Netherlands’ Presidency of the Council of the EU
2. Role of the Dutch parliament in achieving the strategic priorities of the Presidency of the Council consisting of improving EU legislation and reducing the administrative burden and costs at the national level, as well as creating growth and jobs
3. Impact on the Presidency of the Council of the EU of current issues, such as terrorism, the crisis in Ukraine, the Eurozone, immigration, and energy dependency
4. Relation between the Presidency of the Council of the EU and the European Parliament
5. Role of the Dutch parliament in the ratification and implementation of CETA; importance of the SPA (Strategic Partnership Agreement)
6. Canada-Netherlands bilateral relations, in particular trade relations and military collaboration

 Na afloop van het gesprek is er een informele borrel in de Koffiekamer



  • Voorzitter
    J.H. ten Broeke (VVD)
  • M.J.F. van Helvert (CDA)
  • M.E. Maij (PvdA)
  • R.J. (Remco) Dijkstra (VVD)